Sunday, September 27, 2009 / 4:10 AM

I dream about hafiz twice w/o fail. 2days in a row.
it's not just a normal dream.
a dream bout we breaking up & just that the storyline is diff for both days.(can do short film)
i was bloody fuck up when i woke up even though it was just a dream.ahaha
so i decided not to sleep early today so i wont dream bout hym again..
i know its lame.ahah!
its 4.20 am n i just got a news from kecik,her brother passed away.
be strong gerl.i know u can. we will be there for u 2moro.
Friday, September 25, 2009 / 5:04 PM

ahahahahah!! i cant stop laughing loking at tiz. reminds me of al-hafiz. ahha! mr bean clone =P

Thursday, September 24, 2009 / 2:30 PM

First day was Green & the next day was Purple.


Monday, September 14, 2009 / 7:26 PM
on 10Sept was abg azry & kak shikin 20th bdae plus abg awie bdae too.
so breakfast with cousin&family&future sis in-laws.
then went to ayah house celebrate abg awie bdae plus visiting ayah.
cousin reunion.great day babey!

12Sept went to kallang leisure park with al-hafiz,nab & bob.
w/o realising bob & hafiz wore same colour shirt while me n nab wore same kind of shirt too.. cool shit or wat.

went to downtown next to meet my bgss-ian.
even though theres only few of us we still had a great time 2gether.
like always,they never failed to make me laugh like a laughing machine.

lalalalalalala life is wonderful!

Friday, September 11, 2009 / 1:29 AM
sempang bdk/geylang/city hall with my "jbondz"

next was army open house with pv0901b

gdnyte ppl!
/ 1:11 AM
sweetest msg ever & thank u touched.
happy 5mnths lurb!
Sunday, September 6, 2009 / 2:48 PM
so here it goes...
1) Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
: forehead
2) How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
: sleepy,thanx to hafiz for waking me up =D
3) Who is the last person you took picture with?
: didi & ifah
4) Would you consider yourself spoiled?
: nope,im not spoiled im well taken care off
5) Would you donate blood?
: when in desperate condition, maybe
6) Have you had a best friend of the opposite sex?
: yurp
7) Do you want someone dead?
: nope
8) What does the last message says?
: 'pantat,cp ckp die cnfm by mon coz dier nga bz' -suhaimi
9) What are you thinking right now?
: how to do that bloody blog skin
10) Do you wish someone is with you right now?
: yes,always
11) What time did you went to bed last night?
: 5plus
12) Where did you buy the t-shirt you're wearing right now?
: bugis
13) Is someone in your mind now?
: yes,everytime
14) Who is the last person you texted?
: suhaimi
10 people tagged to do quiz
: you
: you
: you
: you
: you
: you
: you
: you
: you
: & you
/ 2:27 PM

Hafiz,stop calling me jiwe se-menet OKEY!

<Photobucket Eiyra.
ℒℴvℯ Despartucus
Me perfect? NO.
Better than You?? OFCOURSE:D

Shout here!


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