Sunday, December 12, 2010 / 5:34 PM
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 / 11:06 PM

i miss the long straight hair & also my big afro , the curly hair.
gonna wait for my hair to grow and curl it back to the original hair.
today went to sp again, the attendance reminds me of wd training.
and went straight home after that.
i keep on eating non stop lately and soon im gonna grow fatter than boifren. :(
mummy and i miss little sudais.faster come back home. we gonna kidnap u small boi!
& my gemok keep on playing game . -_-
and seriously i find there's nothing i can do much in claz. mendak giler.
k 1 and half more months to go. then i cant meet my lovely classmate everyday again :(
this thursday mama bdae and we cant really plan coz abg azry is away and papa 24hrs stick with mama, so me and abg rwin just roughly plan as ifah is bz working too. but i guess the plan wont works as abg have to work on tat day."haiz! stress uh". (bby's mum version)
so still dont know what to do for thursday. but im sure friday,sat and sunday gonna be bz and kecoh day as abg izz is getting married with kak liza. gonna help out with the preparation.
yey! apom kahwin..irah and ifah pon nk main kahwin2 la. :D
cant wait for 19nov. and 20 nov wd chalet! yeyness.
& to my dearest fatboy, i love you more than i love food -__- hahah!
faster go learn ur 'practical' 8 nov is ur exam! :D
k i talk alot today. shall stop here.
Monday, November 1, 2010 / 12:02 AM

hey fatboy, the wallpaper :D
and the song at the wedding just now stuck in my head. hahah! cute performance.

Monday, October 25, 2010 / 9:23 PM
bcoz life sucks.
Monday, October 18, 2010 / 9:25 PM

no more gigi besi for razzy girl .=)

& if m8 sux equal to you sux!

Monday, October 11, 2010 / 9:13 PM

our 2009 & 2010 class photo
awesome mates.

& too bad. no more outdoor shoots for them.
hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahah . LOSER.
Sunday, October 3, 2010 / 11:13 PM
'mcd cheese burger with 2 slice of cheese'
My Abg Medic
Thursday, September 23, 2010 / 10:34 PM

i love the way we start our day & we end it
Friday, September 10, 2010 / 11:42 PM
Don't ever make a promise if you know you can't
You will end up hurting others.
& yes i can never change.
Im such a big liar.
Our 3rd
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / 1:02 AM
The success of a relationship lies not only in the beauty of its beginning but in its consistency.
Thanks bby
he's all i need
Saturday, September 4, 2010 / 1:22 AM
Im sorry bby.
I easily get pissed off with every single thing that happen.
i dont want you but i need you.I LOVE YOU with all my heart.
To My Fatboy
Thursday, September 2, 2010 / 2:43 AM
I dont know how will i thank God for giving you to me.
You made me realize that pain can me stronger.
Saturday, August 28, 2010 / 4:00 AM

A boyfriend is a special someone in your life who is not only your better half but also someone who gives you moral support when you are down. When you don't feel like talking to anyone, you feel like talking to just one guy who is your boyfriend. He is the best male friend with whom you can share all your ins and outs, that's why he holds a special place in your life and in your heart. A boyfriend should be made a close friend first.

thanks fatboy

3 more days
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 / 10:17 PM
/ 12:03 AM

<Photobucket Eiyra.
ℒℴvℯ Despartucus
Me perfect? NO.
Better than You?? OFCOURSE:D

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